November 4, 2011

Therapy went very well this week! Praise the Lord! Both PT and OT are very pleased with Syd's progress up to this point. As of today Syd can remove her brace during the day, she'll only need it when walking (for now). A few therapies have been increased. One in particular is very hard but she's able to do it! Again - praise the Lord. So now we're waiting for the follow up appt. with Neuro and Ortho next week. Hopefully they can give us a better estimate as to when the halo can come off. In the meantime please continue to keep Sydney and our family in your prayers.

With love and prayers.

In Christ,


JC said...

Sydney continue kicking using both feet.

JC said...

pYesterday was a very special day
Blessed to share it with you (all)

Lisa Collins said...

Boy Sydney, I am really letting that JC get ahead of me!!! I was so happy to get to see you Sunday at church!!!! Kaley was all excited too! Her and her friends at school have been reading your blog and looking at your pretty pics you have on here. It was such a blessing to get to see you walk!!! What a miracle!!! Hope you are enjoying your stuff and coloring pretty pictures. Keep on working hard! We will continue to keep you in prayer and your family too.